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Category: Blog

Afternoon moon children -suicide and self harm trigger warning

Hi peeps one of the biggest killers in modern society is suicide. I wont go into statistics but will focus on, how to support somone who is suicidal Self harm is on the increase especially amongst young people. Will thoroughly cover topic if self harm. To what it is, why and how to respond These

Issues you may feel supporting someone with a mental health problem

You may think your not helping much and be frustrated. You can’t make someone feel better and mental health problems can affect anyone If you haven’t experienced a mental health problem it can be difficult to understand. Research diagnosis, look at what other people have said in books, films or blogs. My blog and book

Coping when supporting someone else

Although i am primarily concerned with those who provide support to somone with mental health problems. It is useful to anyone in a caring role Supporting somone else is called caring. It entails providing unpaid support for someone who has illness, disability, mental health problems and addiction Support includes – emotional support, helping somone seek