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How to support somone who is suicidal .what not to say and do

Generally it is better to say something than say nothing

When a person is suicidal they may feel alone, depressed and isolated. Asking them how they are doing may be the smallest thing but it can mean everything to someone else. Although it can be very difficult to know whether someone you care about is feeling suicidal as they maybe extremely good at covering it up. It is important not to get frustrated or make the person feel they are being selfish

Do not minimise or play down their situation. Take it extremely seriously always when someone says they are suicidal.

Dont say it will get better or you will be alright. It may be impossible for them to see this in the midst of deep depression, severe stress or anxiety or all three. It is more helpful to let them know you empathise with their situation. Try saying something like i can hear how low/ depressed and or how distressed you are

Don’t tell them that it is selfish – a person who is feeling suicidal is in deep emotional pain. They are thinking in a way that they would not think if they are well. Even if they do not appear highly distressed or not reached that point, they are not themselves

Don’t say, stay strong, it implies a person is weak. But it is not about strength or weakness. Every one has a limit to what they can endure.

A suicidal crisis can happen to anyone of us. It takes a huge amount of courage to say that you are suicidal and to seek help we should empathise with this



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