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Seeking help for a mental health problem

When mental health is poor and a person is finding it difficult to cope with thoughts, feelings and or behaviour or there is an impact on your day to day life. It maybe time to seek health and find out about available support.

Seeking help is an important step towards getting and staying well. But how to start and where to turn to can be overwhelming

The first port of call is your GP. He can make a diagnosis, offer support and treatments and refer to more specialist mental health services

It can be hard to know what to say or how to talk to your GP about mental health

Some useful tips

Focus on how you feel rather than diagnosis.   Explain how things have Changed over the past few weeks or months.    Try not to worry that your problem is too small, your doctor is there to support you.    GP appointments are short maybe make a double appointment. You may feel nervous and forget to say things. It may be useful to write down what you want to say and take your notes with you. Take somone with you to support you – a close friend or family member

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