Now we will look at a few mental health disorders. All these and more will be discussed in more detail at a later date
Anxiety – anxiety is when we feel tense, worried or afraid. If these feelings are strong and go on for a long time you maybe diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It may manifest itself in different ways and there are several anxiety disorders ie panic disorder, social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder. Anxiety can be part of other disorders such as depression
Depression- when we are depressed your mood is low. If this lasts a long time and everyday life is affected you maybe diagnosed with depression. Symptoms such as hopelessness, despair, guilt, worthlessness, motivation and exhaustion are expressed. There is more then one type of depression. It can be part of other disorders
Eating disorders – the most common disorders are anorexia, bulmia and binge eating. A person can have a difficult relationship with food and not fit the criteria for an eating disorder
Bipolar disorder – this is a disorder of mood and variations of mood that maybe overwhelming. Experiences of high, low and even psychosis.
Schizophrenia – a person who is given the diagnosis of schizophrenia if they experience psychosis, disordered thinking and speech, feeling disconnected from your feelings, difficulties concentrating, wanting to avoid people, a lack of interest in things and not wanting to look after yourself.
Schizoaffective disorder – has the mood variations of bipolar and or depression paired with the pschosis of scizophrenia
Psychosis-is when your reality is different to thoses around you. People experience psychosis in different ways. The most common types are hallucinations where people hear voices, have visions or delusions such as paranoia. It can be a diagnosis on its own or part of other disorders. Such as schizophrenia, bipolar, schizoaffective and severe depression
Personality disorders- is a mental health problem where a person’s attitude, beliefs and behaviour cause them to have long term problems such as unstable relationships. Regularly experience difficulties in how they think about themselves and relate to others and find it difficult to change this. The two most common areBPD. Borderline personality disorder abd ASPD antsocial personality disorder