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An introductio to mental health wellbeing and illness .mental wellbeing

Lots of things add to our mental wellbeing. Many people experience the mild symptoms of mental ill health. Such as feeling a bit anxious or worried, the blues or a bit low. Our mental wellbeing can change overtime depending overtime depending on the amount of stress were under, our level of self esteem and self confidence. Im milder mental ill health or mental wellbeing in general it is usefull. Looking at patterns of thoughts and positive rather than negative thinking ie CBT, mindfullbess, relaxation ect are useful for us all.

Understanding stress and anxiety is beneficial to us all. So even if you don’t have a diagnosed mental health problem or illness my blog is extremely usefull or if you just want to understand more

My book is extremely usefull for those that are struggling with their mental health as it will give them somthing to relate to. Understanding one’s own mental health and those that care for you understanding more is very important. My book is good for both.

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