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Update – where i am at moment with books and marketing

Hi moonchildren

Found it difficult getting on my website and just come out of a low. Not half as bad this time . Know its due to having help to keep on top of things . My niece has been a great help doing household chores so not overwhelmed.  A messy house adds to my depression and I can’t stand it .

Also caught up with everything.  New book Life, Heart, and Soul ready to be published just waiting for ebook to be ready .

Started doing Facebook picture reels on my books blog and mental health . Going great due to these now have over 700 followers .

When I get my book sales beginning of march will see if promoting myself this way has made an impact

Need to Copt all Facebook picture reels over 70 into my marketing book and repeat them om Instagram and tiktok. Once this and get maximum plays on Facebook reels begin to do new reels on Facebook

My Facebook reels are a success even if I say so myself . My highest amount of plays is 13k and most over 1k and some more plays

Due to getting my new book Life , Heart,and Soul ready in provided time time scales was awarded a free direct marketing kit. The design of this kit looks great and signed off ready to go into production.

When I bulk order my books end of spring beginning of summer hoping to get free direct marketing kit for On being schizoaffective a surreal soul and a book signing kit free or reduced price .

Then be ready to launch both books and do book signings. Hoping everytime I bulk order books do a book signing.  Hopefully venue will be local pub I go to regula in Snaith.  Be ready to do prevention and poetry readings all over my local area and send coutoudy copies and brief introduction to myself via letter and phone to organisations I can’t reach

My depression has been cushioned by lots of positives, little successes, plans and goals.  These are really important in managing depression no matter how small.




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