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Month: December 2021

Month: December 2021

Self harm and organisations that provide support

Next  there is a list of organisations that provide support to individuals who self harm. This list is not exhaustive. An Internet search is reccomended 1- www.Harmless. Co. Uk 2-www.selfharm. uk 3- The wish centre. Org. 4 uk. Battle scars as an organisations has a workbook that can be purchased for a

Self harm and harm minimising strategies

Mental health professionals often advocate minimization strategies and grounding as alternatives to self harm. These techniques do work for some people but research suggests others find them most unhelpful. It offers short term solutions, helps some people but does not reduce the urge. For example, snapping rubber bands on yourself, painting red lines on your

Self harm and guided imagery

Meditation is often recommended as a strategy for dealing with painfull and distressing thoughts. It doesn’t help everyone all the time and may intensity certain thoughts. Guided imagery offers a useful alternative. The visual approach to relaxation helps you create a mental happy place by creating pleasant scenes in your mind. Adding vivid specific sensory

Self harm and identifying feelings and what self harm achieves

Try the following techniques when painful or difficult emotions threaten to overwhelm you 1- identify your emotions and what self harm helps you achieve. Getting a clearer idea of emotions behind impulse can lead to better ways of coping Feeling angry physical activity could help burn off those intense emotions. Feeling lonely isolated. Try connecting