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How to support somone who is suicidal – how to help

Suicide is serious business but often not talked about. This blog hopes to encourage people to have that conversation and talk more openly about suicide. More importantly how to support somone who is suicidal. Every 90 minutes in the uk a life is lost to suicide. It is the biggest killer of people under the age of 35. More than cancer or car crashes. Men are three more times likely to commit suicide than women

If you that someone may be feeling suicidal encourage them to talk about how they feel

As an individual you may feel uncomfortable talking about suicidal feelings. But the person experiencing then may feel overwhelmed and scared as well by them. A person may feel they that they dont know what to say. Or are worried that they may say the wrong thing. This is entirely normal and i have outlined below how to help somone and what not to say.

Let them know that you care about them, they are not alone

Empathise with them say you can’t imagine how painful this is for you but i would like to understand

Be non judgemental dont criticise or blame them. Repeat their words back to them. It shows you are listening and makes sure you have understood properly

Ask about their reasons for living and dying and listen to their answers. Try to explore reasons for living more thoroughly

If they have felt like this before ask them how their feelings changed last time. Reassure them they will not feel like this forever

Encourage them to focus on getting through the day as opposed to the future

Encourage them to seek help if they are comfortable. Such as help from a doctor, counsellor,or support from an array of charities particularly the samaritans

Follow up any commitments you agree to

Make sure someone is with them if they are in immediate danger

If they have a plan for ending their life ask them what the plan is

Try to get professional help for them. See my blog on supporting somone else to seek help for a mental health problem

It is important to realise you don’t need to find an answer or completely understand why they feel like they do. Listening to how they feel and what they have to say will at least let them know you care

If you are not sure somone is feeling suicidal ask

Are you thinking about suicide, or are you having thoughts of ending your life

These questions may seem direct. But it’s better to adress they’re feelings directly rather than avoid the issue. Asking about it won’t make it more likely to happen

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