Next week before my injection clean through at my mums house as i will be tired after injection. I always try to do as much as possible before low hits and my injection due
My low is a predictable cycle so organise around it and injection. It is a bit harder for longer term and future responsibilities as im not sure when low and injection falls too far ahead
My lows always occur 14 to 10 days before my injection. I then pick up 3 to 4 days before my injection. I usually always follow this cycle. I was put on lamotragine because I had a low that lasted two and a half months, nightmare. Can cope with a week as i know its gonna end and use coping strategies such as cbt, relaxation, meditation and mindfullness
If you are schizoaffective or bipolar it may be useful keeping a mood diary and or journal to see if there’s a pattern to changes in mood. Amazon have ready done ones some combine mood diary and journal
One thing having this illness has taught me how to appreciate life and never take anything for granted. In a flash i can be drowning in a sea of anxiety and depression. Life can be cruel so take every day as it comes, live in the now and enjoy the simplest of things. Love the important people in my life with all my heart ♥
Although mental illness is difficult to deal with it can also make you a better person and deal with life in a more positive way. Look for the silver lining and never give up. You may have to adjust your life but a better place can await and be attained. At first the illness will have a devastating impact, your life may change dramatically. But you can get through it and come out the other side
My book on being schizoaffective a surreal soul hopes to deliver a message of hope that there is life after mental breakdown. Here i am living my adjusted but happy and fulfilled life