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Supporting somone else and your mental health

Some of the challenges faced by carers when supporting someone with a mental health problem

A carer may feel stressed and worried and spend a lot of time thinking about the impact of mental illness and what will happen in the future. If a person feels like this over a long period they may experience stress symptoms or even burnout which can have a big impact on their mental health. Follow my next blog stress and anxiety management

Many carers experience anxiety about the person they care for. If they are strong and over a long period of time they may feel overwhelmed. Follow my blog on stress and anxiety management which will be covered shortly

Less or no time to yourself. Social services maybe able to help you through providing day care and respite for those experiencing mental health problems. Which intern give you a break you are entitled to a carers assessment which will assess your needs. Usually undertaken by a social worker

Isolation and loneliness. You may have less time to socialise or have hobbies and interests. You may feel alone with your caring role  overtime social isolation can lead to anxiety and or depression. After stress and anxiety follow my blog on depression management which a carer may find beneficial

Money worries to pay for extra care, medical or travel costs. Loss of income, waiting for benefits to be sorted or difficulty or knowing about benefits. DIAL or CAB will do a free benefits check and help you apply for benefits

Lack of sleep when worried or stressed. A person may need help at night

Frustration, anger guilt. The caring role may lead to negative feelings about the role and guilt for feeling this way.

Low self esteem, you may give things up like hobbies, interests, work and loose an important part of yourself.

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