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Issues you may feel supporting someone with a mental health problem

You may think your not helping much and be frustrated. You can’t make someone feel better and mental health problems can affect anyone

If you haven’t experienced a mental health problem it can be difficult to understand. Research diagnosis, look at what other people have said in books, films or blogs. My blog and book is an excellent start

You may worry your doing the wrong thing

Udemy and new skills academy do excellent courses on mental health. I would particularly recommend udemy whose have a wide array of courses. I use them myself to inform my blog and also new skills academy.

A tip for both providers of courses is to click on courses, wishlist and at some point they will be offered at a reduced rate. Particularily the more expensive udemy courses. I have never paid more than 20.00  for a course

Mind bookstore provide excellent bookkets and ebooklets. The ebooklets are free. The first three printed bookkets are free ring mind info line

Udemy do a course – How to help a family member or friend with mental illness. By Emma Mcadan. Got excellent reviews.

A person may need support but can’t or won’t reach out for support and can lead you to feeling powerless. If a person doesn’t always realise they are ill. When well make an action plan of what to do together if they become unwell.

They may push You away when ill or in some mental illnesses you may become a threat.

It may be hard to get help when you need it

You may worry about self harm and their safety. Have an honest conversation with them about them staying safe and being aware when things get too much and knowing when to seek help

Both carers and people with mental health problems may have worries about mental health stereotypes, stigma and how people react to their illness

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